American Pastoral (1998): The renowned Pulitzer Prize-Winning novel von PHILIP ROTH
Preis pro Stück:
Lei 69 / € 23,00
Inkl. Mwst.: 5% (Lei) / 7% (EUR)
zzgl. Versandkosten
auf Lager
Kategorie: Bücher
Seiten / Format: 432 Seiten; paperback
Erscheinungsjahr: 03.1998
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN: 9780099771814
Auflage / Bände: Auflage: 1
'Swede' Levov is living the American dream. He glides through life cocooned by his devoted family, his demanding yet highly rewarding business, his sporting prowess, his good looks. He is the embodiment of thriving, post-war America, land of liberty and hope. Until the sunny day in 1968, when the Swede's bountiful American luck deserts him.