The Szeklers: an illustrated history von Gusztav Mihaly Hermann
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Kategorie: Bücher
Seiten / Format: 164 S.; Broschiert
Erscheinungsjahr: 2020
Verlag: Centrul Judetean Harghita
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN: 378449
The Illustrated History of the Szeklers This paper was edited by the Harghita County Center for the Preservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture and is the revised and adapted translation of the volume "A székelység története" (2nd revised edition, 2015).
Editor-in-chief: Hermann Gusztáv Mihály, history teacher at UBB Cluj Napoca, editorial board: Ferencz S. Alpár, Novák Károly-István, Orbán Zsolt, history teachers. The authors of the chapters that present the history of the Szekler Land from the earliest times to the contemporary era are history teachers, specialists in different epochs of history: Ferencz S. Alpár, Forró Albert, Hermann Gusztáv Mihály, Kádár Gyula, Mihály János, Novák Csaba Z Károly-István, Orbán Zsolt, Sepsiszéki Nagy Balázs, Sófalvi András, Sztáncsuj Sándor József.
Some of Gyöngyössy János's illustrations were made on the basis of field research, others were inspired by graphic presentations from chronicles, or illustrations that appeared in books and other publications.