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Beyond the forest - A history of Transylvania

Beyond the forest - A history of Transylvania von Jan de Maere
Viewed in its European setting

Preis pro Stück:
Lei 219 / € 49,00
Inkl. Mwst.: 5% (Lei) / 7% (EUR)
zzgl. Versandkosten


Kategorie: Bücher
Seiten / Format: 393 S.; gebundene Ausgabe
Erscheinungsjahr: 2020
Verlag: Jassy, Tehnopress
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN: 9786066874076

reich bebildertes Album über Siebenbürgen und seine Geschichte in englischer Sprache

Art historian and holder of a Ph.D in neuroscience and connoisseurship at Ghent University, Jan De Maere has a lengthy career as an expert in the field of art. In addition to being a curator of exhibitions in several museums, he was, until 2016, co-director of the Postgraduate connoisseurship at Vrije Universiteit Brussels and Visiting Professor at Duke University (North Carolina). Author of The Illustrated Dictionary of 17th Century Flemish Painters (1994) and of numerous publications in art history, he was for forty-five years a dealer-connoisseur who sold works to 208 museums, including the Louvre Museum in Paris and the British Museum in London.

Preface by Adrian Nicolescu, Emeritus Professor, former vice-rector for Research and founding director of the British Cultural Studies Research Center of the University of Bucharest.

Jan DE MAERE, critic de arta, distins profesor de istorie a artei la Universitatea din Bruxelles si Universitatea Duke, este specialist în arta flamanda a secolelor al 16-lea si al 17-lea, de asemenea, un rafinat cunoscator al artei românesti contemporane, a carei evolutie a urmarit-o si a promovat-o în ultimii 17 de ani.

Legatura sa cu România este profunda si a început în anul 1996. În 1997 se muta la Sibiu pentru a sprijini lucrarile de restaurare a muzeului Brukenthal. Aici descopera o colectie impresionanta de lucrari, al carei catalog, datat 1906, apartinea bunicului sau, dar fara imagini. Acest catalog îi va servi la redactarea tezei de doctorat în arta si stiinte, obtinut la Universitatea din Gent, în 2011.