Pride & Prejudice von Jane Austen
Preis pro Stück:
Lei 12 / € 4,00
Inkl. Mwst.: 5% (Lei) / 7% (EUR)
zzgl. Versandkosten
Kategorie: Bücher
Seiten / Format: 376 S.; Paperback
Erscheinungsjahr: 1992
Verlag: Wordsworth Ed.
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN: 9781853260001
Born in 1775, Jane Austen published her many novels anonymously. Her work was not widely read until the late nineteenth century, and her fame only continued to grow from there. Known for her wit and sharp insight into social conventions, her novels about love, relationships, and society grow more popular year after year. She has earned her place in history as one of the most cherished writers in English literature.