News in England on the Great Turkish War (1683-1699) din Viorel Panaite
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Categorie: Bücher
Pagini / Format: 192 S.; gebundene Ausgabe
Anul apariţiei: 2018
Editura: Braila, Istros
Limba: Englisch
ISBN: 9786066542807
Early English newspapers have so far remained a source unused by the Romanian historians. This book is a first step to making know this material by producing an anthology of excerpts printed during the major conflict between the Ottoman Empire and The Holy League, called The Great Turkish War, beginning with the failed siege of Vienna in 1683 and ending with the peace of Karlowitz in 1699. The documents that are gathered in this work are constantly following the political and military situation, as information arrived to London at the speed allowed by couriers.
VIOREL PANAITE, PhD (1995), University of Bucharest, is Professor of Islamic Ottoman History at the University of Bucharest and Senior Researcher at the Institute for South-East European Studies (Romanian Academy). He has published extensively on legal condition of tribute-payers in the Ottoman Empire and commercial diplomacy in the Ottoman Mediterranean, especially The Ottoman Law of War and Pace. The Ottoman Empire and Tribute Payers (Boulder, 2000), Diplomatie occidentala, comert si drept ottoman. Secolele XV–XVII (Bucharest, 2004), Razboi, pace si comert în Islam. Tarile române si dreptul ottoman al popoarelor (Jassy, 2013).