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Viviane Sassen: Phosphor von Dawn Ades, Damarice Amao, Simon Baker

Preis pro Stück:
€ 60,00
Inkl. Mwst.: 5% (Lei) / 7% (EUR)
zzgl. Versandkosten


Kategorie: Bücher
Seiten / Format: 528 S
Erscheinungsjahr: 2023
Verlag: Prestel
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN: 9783791389783

»Farben und Formen, Collagen und poppig surreale Inszenierungen des Körpers im Raum: der ultimative Bildband zum Schaffen der innovativen niederländischen Künstlerin.« foto MagazinTracing a career of more than thirty years, this celebration of the prodigiously talented Dutch photographer includes vibrantly colored portraiture, landscapes, still lifes, abstract compositions and fashion editorials.<br><br>From her early African-inspired work to her more recent experiments in interventionist techniques, Viviane Sassen has gained international acclaim for her striking, dynamic images that explore a range of themes and subjects-from identity, gender, and the body, to race, fashion, and the environment. This retrospective book brings together both well- and lesser-known works and includes pieces from her recent series,"Paint Studies,"in which early photographs are reimagined with ink and painterly marks, and"Venus and Mercury,"a collection of exquisite photomontages based on the history of the Palace of Versailles. Illuminating texts by Dawn Ades, Clothilde Morette, Simon Baker, Damarice Amao, and Dan Thawley make this the definitive overview of an important and ever-evolving photographer.3DEViviane Sassen was born in Amsterdam in 1972, and graduated from the Royal Academy of Arnhem in 1997 having studied fashion, photography and fine art. Her work has been published inI-D,Purple,Dazed&Confused,Fantastic Man,VOGUE,Another Magazine,V Magazine, Selfservice,Numéro,10and POP. She has published a number of seminal books with Prestel includingParasomnia,Pikin Slee,In and Out of Fashion,UmbraandHot Mirror.Dawn Ades is a British art historian and academic. She is professor emeritus of art history and theory at the University of Essex.Damarice Amao is a French curator and historian of photography. She is currently a curator at the Cabinet de la photographie of the Musée National d'Art Moderne/Centre Pompidou. She lives and works in Paris.Simon Baker is a British curator, writer, and educator. Baker is currently director of the Maison Européenne de la photographie (MEP) in Paris.Clothilde Morette is a French curator and is currently the head of programming at the Maison Européenne de la photographie (MEP) in Paris.Dan Thawley is an Australian creative director, curator, and editor based in Paris, France.

Viviane Sassen, 1972 in Amsterdam geboren, studierte Mode, Fotografie und bildende Kunst an der Arnhem Academy of Art and Design. Ihre Fotoarbeiten werden weltweit in führenden Magazinen veröffentlicht. Bei Prestel erschien 2011 der BandParasomnia, 2012In and out of Fashion, 2014Pikin SleeundUmbra, gekürt als eines der schönsten Bücher des Jahres 2016. Sie lebt in Amsterdam.

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