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The Boyfriend: An Instant Sunday Times Bestseller from the Author of The Housemaid is Watching von Freida McFadden

ISBN 9781464221408
Bücher; 368 Seiten; paperback
Poisoned Pen Press

The Boyfriend: A Twisting Psychological Thriller from the Author of The Housemaid is Watching. She's looking for the perfect man. He's looking for the... [mehr]

Preis: Lei 60 / € 12,00

Jonah and His Daughter von Ioana Parvulescu

ISBN 9781912545377
Bücher; 320 Seiten; paperback
Istros Books

A fresh new look at an old story: the tale of Jonah is supplemented by the inclusion of his daughter, as the book weaves modern and ancient, telling a... [mehr]

Preis: Lei 90 / € 18,00

Solenoid von Mircea Cartarescu

ISBN 9781805333197
Bücher; 640 Seiten; paperback
Pushkin Press

Based on Cartarescu's own experience as a teacher, Solenoid submerges us in the mundane details of a diarist's life and spirals into an existential... [mehr]

Preis: Lei 85 / € 17,00

Nostalgia (Penguin Modern Classics) von Mircea Cartarescu

ISBN 9780241448915
Bücher; 352 Seiten; paperback
Penguin Classics

A dreamlike novel of memory and magic, Nostalgia turns the dark world of Communist Bucharest into a place of strange enchantments. Here a man plays increasingly... [mehr]

Preis: Lei 65 / € 13,00

The Appointment von Herta Müller

ISBN 9781846273766
Bücher; 224 Seiten; paperback
Granta Books

'I've been summoned, Thursday, ten sharp.' So begins one day in the life of a young clothing-factory worker during Ceausescu's totalitarian regime. She... [mehr]

Preis: Lei 70 / € 14,00

The Fox Was Ever the Hunter

The Fox Was Ever the Hunter von Herta Muller

ISBN 9781846274770
Bücher; 256 Seiten; paperback
Granta Books

Romania, the last months of the dictator's regime. Adina is a young schoolteacher. Paul is a musician. Clara, Adina's friend, works in a wire factory.... [mehr]

Preis: Lei 65 / € 13,00

Father's on the Phone With the Flies: A Selection (Seagull Library of German Literature)

Father's on the Phone With the Flies: A Selection (Seagull Library of German Literature) von Herta Muller

ISBN 9781803090450
Bücher; 193 Seiten; paperback
Seagull Books London Ltd

An unexpected, exciting work from one of the most protean writers ever to win the Nobel Prize. To create the poems in this collection, Herta Müller cut... [mehr]

Preis: Lei 80 / € 16,00

The Shadow of Words

The Shadow of Words von Ana Blandiana

ISBN 9781780375403
Bücher; 288 Seiten; paperback
Bloodaxe Books Ltd

Ana Blandiana is one of Romanias foremost poets, a leading dissident before the fall of Communism, and now one of her countrys strongest candidates for... [mehr]

Preis: Lei 95 / € 19,00

Five Books

Five Books von Ana Blandiana

ISBN 9781780375380
Bücher; 352 Seiten; paperback
Bloodaxe Books Ltd

This new translation combines five of Ana Blandiana's previous collections, three of protest poems from the 1980s followed by her two collections of love... [mehr]

Preis: Lei 95 / € 19,00

The Sun of Hereafter: Ebb of the Senses

The Sun of Hereafter: Ebb of the Senses von Ana Blandiana

ISBN 9781780373843
Bücher; 134 Seiten; paperback
Bloodaxe Books Ltd

Ana Blandiana is one of Romania's foremost poets, her country's strongest candidate for the Nobel Prize. This book brings together her two recent collections... [mehr]

Preis: Lei 80 / € 16,00

Diary of a Short-Sighted Adolescent von Mircea Eliade

ISBN 9781908236210
Bücher; 198 Seiten; paperback
Istros Books

The short-sighted adolescent is a passionate reader who takes various cultural figures as models, trying to emulate both their lives or their works. The... [mehr]

Preis: Lei 85 / € 17,00

Trei Ani De Singuratate

Trei Ani De Singuratate von Claire Alexander

ISBN 9786063398926
Bücher; 416 Seiten; paperback

Meredith Maggs n-a iesit din casa de 1 214 zile. Dar insista ca nu este singura. Are un motan pe nume Fred. Prietena ei Sadie o viziteaza ori de cate... [mehr]

Preis: Lei 60 / € 20,00

La Limita

La Limita von Virginia Feito

ISBN 9786063382437
Bücher; 320 Seiten; paperback

Cel mai recent roman al lui George March are un succes extraordinar si nimeni nu se poate mandri mai tare decat sotia lui. Devotata regulilor si aparentelor,... [mehr]

Preis: Lei 50 / € 16,90

Cei O Suta De Ani Ai Lui Lenni Si Margot

Cei O Suta De Ani Ai Lui Lenni Si Margot von Marianne Cronin

ISBN 9786063369476
Bücher; 352 Seiten; paperback

Viata e scurta. Nimeni nu este mai constient de acest lucru decat Lenni, care, desi nu are decat 17 ani, traieste in salonul pentru bolnavii in stadiu... [mehr]

Preis: Lei 50 / € 16,90

Maini Cuminti. Tot Ce E Gresit Si Tot Ce E Frumos Pe Lume

Maini Cuminti. Tot Ce E Gresit Si Tot Ce E Frumos Pe Lume von Ana Dragu, Eduard Dragu

ISBN 9786064024268
Bücher; 192 Seiten; paperback

O mama singura incearca sa creasca doi copii. E, deja, o propozitie care descrie ceva dur. Dar realitatii ii place sa testeze cata realitate poate suporta... [mehr]

Preis: Lei 49 / € 16,00

Leaganul Respiratiei

Leaganul Respiratiei von Herta Müller

ISBN 9786060974291
Bücher; 292 Seiten; paperback
Humanitas Fiction

Premiul Nobel pentru literatura ii este acordat scriitoarei Herta Muller, care descrie cu lirismul ei concentrat si proza plina de sinceritate universul... [mehr]

Preis: Lei 49 / € 16,50


Focul von Daniela Krien

ISBN 9786060973812
Bücher; 252 Seiten; paperback
Humanitas Fiction

Roman ajuns numarul 1, respectiv numarul 3 pe lista bestsellerelor in Elvetia si in Der Spiegel si nominalizat la Dublin Literary Award 2024, Focul este... [mehr]

Preis: Lei 42 / € 42,00

Sfantul Nr. 6

Sfantul Nr. 6 von Tatiana Niculescu

ISBN 9789735087012
Bücher; 200 Seiten; paperback

Cine sa fie oare Sfantul nr. 6? Personajul acestei povestiri s-a nascut intr-un sat din Imperiul Austro-Ungar, s-a instruit in limbi si culturi diferite,... [mehr]

Preis: Lei 39 / € 13,00

De Ce Iubim Femeile

De Ce Iubim Femeile von Mircea Cartarescu

ISBN 9789735077921
Bücher; 192 Seiten; paperback

• Autor distins cu Thomas Mann Prize pentru literatura in 2018 E limpede ca si adultii au nevoie de povesti. Numai ca zanele lor si-au scurtat rochiile,... [mehr]

Preis: Lei 35 / € 11,90

Povestea Lui Gosta Berling

Povestea Lui Gosta Berling von Selma Lagerlof

ISBN 9786069562215
Bücher; 320 Seiten; paperback

Selma Lagerlof (1858-1940), celebra scriitoare suedeza, a fost prima femeie care a primit Premiul Nobel pentru Literatura, si prima femeie membra a Academiei... [mehr]

Preis: Lei 35 / € 11,90

Artikel pro Seite: 20 40 80 < vorige Seite [1] 2 3 ... 50 nächste Seite >