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The Boyfriend: An Instant Sunday Times Bestseller from the Author of The Housemaid is Watching

The Boyfriend: An Instant Sunday Times Bestseller from the Author of The Housemaid is Watching din Freida McFadden

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Preţ: Lei 60 / € 12,00

Jonah and His Daughter

Jonah and His Daughter din Ioana Parvulescu

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Preţ: Lei 90 / € 18,00


Solenoid din Mircea Cartarescu

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Preţ: Lei 85 / € 17,00

Nostalgia (Penguin Modern Classics)

Nostalgia (Penguin Modern Classics) din Mircea Cartarescu

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Preţ: Lei 65 / € 13,00

The Appointment

The Appointment din Herta Müller

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The Fox Was Ever the Hunter

The Fox Was Ever the Hunter din Herta Muller

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Preţ: Lei 65 / € 13,00

Father's on the Phone With the Flies: A Selection (Seagull Library of German Literature)

Father's on the Phone With the Flies: A Selection (Seagull Library of German Literature) din Herta Muller

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The Shadow of Words

The Shadow of Words din Ana Blandiana

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Five Books

Five Books din Ana Blandiana

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The Sun of Hereafter: Ebb of the Senses

The Sun of Hereafter: Ebb of the Senses din Ana Blandiana

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Diary of a Short-Sighted Adolescent

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The transylvanian heritage. Ottoman carpets 1450 to 1750. A new perspective

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Translations of Patristic Literature in South-Eastern Europe

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News in England on the Great Turkish War (1683-1699)

News in England on the Great Turkish War (1683-1699) din Viorel Panaite

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THE SARMATIANS AND THE OTHERS din Lavinia Grumeza, Victor Cojocaru, Cristina I. Tica

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Redefining instruments of power

Redefining instruments of power din Lisa-Maria Achimescu

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A Field Guide to the Butterflies of Romania (Pelagic Identification Guides)

A Field Guide to the Butterflies of Romania (Pelagic Identification Guides) din Laszlo Rakosy

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The Balkans in the Age of New Imperialism and Beyond

The Balkans in the Age of New Imperialism and Beyond din Vojislav G. Pavlovic

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Legacies and entanglements religious identity, cultural tradition and political order in the Byzantine Sphere

Legacies and entanglements religious identity, cultural tradition and political order in the Byzantine Sphere din Nunzio Bianchi, Mircea Dulus

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The Traveler's Guide on Via Transilvanica (2023 / engleza)

The Traveler's Guide on Via Transilvanica (2023 / engleza) din Anna Szekely

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Preţ: Lei 119 / € 39,90

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