Articles per Page: 20 40 80 |
Romanian Verbs von Mona Moldoveanu Pologea
2250 Essential Romanian Verbs - Complete Conjugations in All Tenses
ISBN 9786069373767
Bücher; 383 S.; Broschiert
Rolang School
Welcome to "Romanian Verbs", the comprehensive study guide for mastering the intricacies of Romanian verbs! This book is designed for intermediate... [more]
Price: Lei 129 / € 43,00
The Black Church Kronstadt/Brasov/Brasso von Frank-Thomas Ziegler, Agnes Ziegler
Inspiring Art - Living Faith
ISBN 9786060081524
Bücher; 32 S.; geheftet
Hermannstadt, Honterus
The new art travel guide is intended to provide visitors of the Black Church not only with information about the artistic heritage but also with insights... [more]
Price: Lei 21 / € 7,00
Engleza Rapida + Cd Audio von Andreea Panait
ISBN 6426092302046
Bücher; 352 Seiten; paperback
CURS DE INVATARE A LIMBII ENGLEZE CE CONTINE: - Lectii tematice succinte - Sinteze de gramatica - Vocabular amplu [more]
Price: Lei 20 / € 6,90
Coins in archaeological context. Sutor (Optatiana) : the vicus and the baths complex von Cristian Gazdac, Vlad Lazarescu, Sorin Cocis
ISBN 9786060206019
Bücher; 111 S.; Broschiert
Mega publishing house
Price: Lei 93 / € 31,00
The Szeklers: an illustrated history von Gusztav Mihaly Hermann
ISBN 378449
Bücher; 164 S.; Broschiert
Centrul Judetean Harghita
The Illustrated History of the Szeklers This paper was edited by the Harghita County Center for the Preservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture and... [more]
Price: Lei 114 / € 34,90
Limba engleza. Caietul elevului L1 intensiv. Clasa a V-a von Vicki Anderson, Eoin Higgins, Cristina Rusu
ISBN 9786060762119
Bücher; 128 S.; Softcover/Paperback
Art Klett
Prezentul auxiliar a fost avizat de Ministerul Educatiei Nationale prin Ordinul nr. 3022 din 08. 01. 2018 si se regaseste la pozitia nr. 237 din anexa... [more]
Price: Lei 45 / € 15,00
Landkarte Siebenbürgen M 1:550 000
Road Map Transylvania M 1:550 000
ISBN 9789633538548
Bücher; Landkarte, gefaltet; Landkarte
laminierte Komfortversion [more]
Price: Lei 53 / € 17,90
American Fairy Tales and Stories. Povesti si povestiri americane Vol.1
ISBN 9789734740116
Bücher; 112 S.; Softcover/Paperback
Paralela 45
Cea mai mare colectie de literatura bilingva utila copiilor (si nu numai) care vor sa invete o limba straina prin lectura unor povesti, basme si povestiri... [more]
Price: Lei 35 / € 11,90
The New Traffic Code for everyone von Marius Stanculescu
ISBN 9786066323000
Bücher; 140 S.; Softcover/Paperback
The book contains all the necessary theory for obtaining a driving permit in Romania (including firs aid, defensive driving, mechanical notions and ecological... [more]
Price: Lei 50 / € 10,00
Salutari din Cisnadie von Dana Voina, Alexandru Constantin Chituta
Greetings from Cisnadie
ISBN 9786306520237
Bücher; 96 S.; gebundene Ausgabe, 27 x 24 cm
Editura Muzeului Brukenthal
Fotoalbum mit geschichtlichem Abriss, historischen Ansichtskarten und Aufnahmen über Heltau in rumänischer und englischer Sprache. [more]
Price: Lei 89 / € 29,90
Langenscheidt Praktisches Wörterbuch Englisch
Englisch-Deutsch / Deutsch-Englisch mit Wörterbuch-App
ISBN 9783125144026
Bücher; 848 S.; perfect
Langenscheidt bei PONS Langenscheidt
Über 60.000 Stichwörter und Wendungen.Praktisch, übersichtlich, hochaktuell .Der relevante Wortschatz für Alltag, Reise und moderne Kommunikation.... [more]
Price: Lei 85 / € 16,95
Primul meu dictionar german-englez-roman
ISBN 9789737147417
Bücher; 68 Seiten; Softcover/Paperback
Price: Lei 30 / € 10,00
Basme romanesti. Romanian fairy tales. Contes de fees roumains. Vol. 1
ISBN 9789734740079
Bücher; 128 Seiten; Softcover/Paperback
Paralela 45
Cea mai mare colectie de literatura bilingva utila copiilor (si nu numai) care vor sa invete o limba straina prin lectura unor povesti, basme si povestiri... [more]
Price: Lei 35 / € 11,90
Thomas Bernhard: 3 Days von Thomas Bernhard
ISBN 9780922233465
Bücher; 176 Seiten; hardcover
Blast Books
Over the course of three days in 1970, June 5, 6, and 7, simply sitting on a white bench in a Hamburg park, Thomas Bernhard delivered a powerful monologue... [more]
Price: Lei 85 / € 16,99
Girls of the World: 250 Portraits of Awesome von Mihaela Noroc
ISBN 9781524880521
Bücher; 254 Seiten; paperback
Andrews McMeel Publishing
This collection of powerful photographs and moving stories showcases young women of all backgrounds, from a myriad of cultures, showing us that all girls... [more]
Price: Lei 149 / € 29,95
Pontica LV Supplementum VIII von Vasilica Lungu, Alexandru Avram
L' Espace Pontique: Vers de Nouvelles Perceptions du Monde Ancien / PONTIC SPACE: TOWARDS NEW PERCEPTIONS OF THE ANCIENT WORLDr
ISBN 9786064907875
Bücher; 400 S.; Broschiert
Muzeul de istorie nat si arheologie Constanta
Hommages à LIVIA BUZOIANU à l'occasion de son 70e anniversaire Un volume d'anniversaire est une façon de remercier une personne pour ses efforts... [more]
Price: Lei 62 / € 20,90
Socialist Modernism Book – Socialist Modernism in Romania and the Republic of Moldova von BACU
ISBN 5948492980170
Bücher; 194+1 S. Spread/ Romania and the Republic of Moldova – SOC MOD Map; hardcover, 26×28.5 cm
B.A.C.U. Publishing House
The photo album in the 2nd release includes landmarks of socialist modernist architecture in Romania and the Republic of Moldova – from 1955 to 1989/91.... [more]
Price: Lei 550 / € 110,00
Socialist Modernism in Germany von BACU
ISBN 5948492980149
Bücher; 192 S.; hardcover, 26×28.5 cm
B.A.C.U. Publishing House
The photo album includes landmarks of socialist modernist architecture in Germany – from 1955 to 1990. B.A.C.U. Association explains socialist modernist... [more]
Price: Lei 780 / € 157,00
Harta drumetie / Hiking Map Fagaras M 1:75.000 / M 1:35.000 (Zona alpina)
ISBN 5948490930665
Landkarten; 2 Faltkarten; Faltkarte
Schubert & Franzke
Doua harti distincte: o harta 1:75.000 a intregului masiv si o alta, 1:35.000, care reprezinta doar zona alpina! Trasee parcurse cu GPS. Cuprinde si Muntii... [more]
Price: Lei 45 / € 15,00
Penguin Readers Level 7: White Teeth (ELT Graded Reader) von Zadie Smith
ISBN 9780241463376
Bücher; 128 Seiten; paperback
Price: Lei 68 / € 13,00
Articles per Page: 20 40 80 |