englische Sprache
Artikel pro Seite: 20 40 80 |
The Boyfriend: An Instant Sunday Times Bestseller from the Author of The Housemaid is Watching von Freida McFadden
ISBN 9781464221408
Bücher; 368 Seiten; paperback
Poisoned Pen Press
The Boyfriend: A Twisting Psychological Thriller from the Author of The Housemaid is Watching. She's looking for the perfect man. He's looking for the... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 60 / € 12,00
Jonah and His Daughter von Ioana Parvulescu
ISBN 9781912545377
Bücher; 320 Seiten; paperback
Istros Books
A fresh new look at an old story: the tale of Jonah is supplemented by the inclusion of his daughter, as the book weaves modern and ancient, telling a... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 90 / € 18,00
Nostalgia (Penguin Modern Classics) von Mircea Cartarescu
ISBN 9780241448915
Bücher; 352 Seiten; paperback
Penguin Classics
A dreamlike novel of memory and magic, Nostalgia turns the dark world of Communist Bucharest into a place of strange enchantments. Here a man plays increasingly... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 65 / € 13,00
The Appointment von Herta Müller
ISBN 9781846273766
Bücher; 224 Seiten; paperback
Granta Books
'I've been summoned, Thursday, ten sharp.' So begins one day in the life of a young clothing-factory worker during Ceausescu's totalitarian regime. She... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 70 / € 14,00
The Fox Was Ever the Hunter von Herta Muller
ISBN 9781846274770
Bücher; 256 Seiten; paperback
Granta Books
Romania, the last months of the dictator's regime. Adina is a young schoolteacher. Paul is a musician. Clara, Adina's friend, works in a wire factory.... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 65 / € 13,00
Father's on the Phone With the Flies: A Selection (Seagull Library of German Literature) von Herta Muller
ISBN 9781803090450
Bücher; 193 Seiten; paperback
Seagull Books London Ltd
An unexpected, exciting work from one of the most protean writers ever to win the Nobel Prize. To create the poems in this collection, Herta Müller cut... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 80 / € 16,00
The Shadow of Words von Ana Blandiana
ISBN 9781780375403
Bücher; 288 Seiten; paperback
Bloodaxe Books Ltd
Ana Blandiana is one of Romanias foremost poets, a leading dissident before the fall of Communism, and now one of her countrys strongest candidates for... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 95 / € 19,00
Five Books von Ana Blandiana
ISBN 9781780375380
Bücher; 352 Seiten; paperback
Bloodaxe Books Ltd
This new translation combines five of Ana Blandiana's previous collections, three of protest poems from the 1980s followed by her two collections of love... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 95 / € 19,00
The Sun of Hereafter: Ebb of the Senses von Ana Blandiana
ISBN 9781780373843
Bücher; 134 Seiten; paperback
Bloodaxe Books Ltd
Ana Blandiana is one of Romania's foremost poets, her country's strongest candidate for the Nobel Prize. This book brings together her two recent collections... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 80 / € 16,00
Diary of a Short-Sighted Adolescent von Mircea Eliade
ISBN 9781908236210
Bücher; 198 Seiten; paperback
Istros Books
The short-sighted adolescent is a passionate reader who takes various cultural figures as models, trying to emulate both their lives or their works. The... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 85 / € 17,00
The transylvanian heritage. Ottoman carpets 1450 to 1750. A new perspective von Stefano Ionescu
ISBN 9791280331175
Bücher; 336 pages, with text and 650 color photographs; gebundene Ausgabe
336 pages, with text and 650 color photographs of Anatolian carpets, of the type preserved in Transylvania: Holbein, Ushak, Lotto, White-ground Carpets,... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 745 / € 150,00
Translations of Patristic Literature in South-Eastern Europe von Lora Taseva, Roland Marti
proceedings of the session held at the 12th International Congress of South-East European Studies : (Bucharest, 2-6 September 2019)
ISBN 9786066544191
Bücher; 340 S.; gebundene Ausgabe
Braila, Istros
For more than two centuries the reception of patristic texts has been an important area of philological research on South-East European culture in the... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 75 / € 25,00
News in England on the Great Turkish War (1683-1699) von Viorel Panaite
ISBN 9786066542807
Bücher; 192 S.; gebundene Ausgabe
Braila, Istros
Early English newspapers have so far remained a source unused by the Romanian historians. This book is a first step to making know this material by producing... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 60 / € 20,00
THE SARMATIANS AND THE OTHERS von Lavinia Grumeza, Victor Cojocaru, Cristina I. Tica
Nomadic and Sedentary Cultures in Central and Eastern Europe in the First Half of the 1st Millennium AD
ISBN 9786060207832
Bücher; 502 S.; gebundene Ausgabe
Klausenburg, Mega
The present volume represents a comprehensive exploration of the dynamic interplay between nomadic and sedentary cultures in Central and Eastern Europe... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 200 / € 66,90
Redefining instruments of power von Lisa-Maria Achimescu
international law - vector in promoting global security and stability
ISBN 9789733212706
Bücher; 312 S.; Broschiert
Militärverlag Bukarest
International law has more often than not been conceptualized in a Kelsian manner, meaning that the legal apparatus should, in fact, be apolitical in content,... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 89 / € 29,90
A Field Guide to the Butterflies of Romania (Pelagic Identification Guides) von Laszlo Rakosy
ISBN 9781784274771
Bücher; 376 Seiten; paperback
Pelagic Publishing
A comprehensive, fully illustrated guide to the butterflies of Romania. A must-have in that country, and also extremely useful across Central, Eastern... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 199 / € 199,00
The Balkans in the Age of New Imperialism and Beyond von Vojislav G. Pavlovic
ISBN 9786066544467
Bücher; 181 S.; gebundene Ausgabe
Braila, Istros
The 18th volume of the "Bibliothèque de l'Institut d'Études Sud-Est Européennes" gathers eight papers presented at the 12th International Congress... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 75 / € 25,00
Legacies and entanglements religious identity, cultural tradition and political order in the Byzantine Sphere von Nunzio Bianchi, Mircea Dulus
Etudes Byzantines et Post-Byzantines
ISBN 378553
Bücher; 319 S.; Broschiert
Heidelberg, Herlo
ISSN 0259-0913 György Geréby (Central European University, Vienna) One Sword or Two? The Theology of the Byzantine Solution The main issues in Byzantine... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 60 / € 20,00
The Traveler's Guide on Via Transilvanica (2023 / engleza) von Anna Szekely
ISBN 9789730393613
Bücher; 392 S.; Broschiert, 13,5 x 19 cm
Tasuleasa Social
The Traveler's Guide on Via Transilvanica – updated in December 2023 – is more than just a conventional travel guide. It is a well-researched book... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 119 / € 39,90
Romanian Verbs von Mona Moldoveanu Pologea
2250 Essential Romanian Verbs - Complete Conjugations in All Tenses
ISBN 9786069373767
Bücher; 383 S.; Broschiert
Rolang School
Welcome to "Romanian Verbs", the comprehensive study guide for mastering the intricacies of Romanian verbs! This book is designed for intermediate... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 129 / € 43,00
The Black Church Kronstadt/Brasov/Brasso von Frank-Thomas Ziegler, Agnes Ziegler
Inspiring Art - Living Faith
ISBN 9786060081524
Bücher; 32 S.; geheftet
Hermannstadt, Honterus
The new art travel guide is intended to provide visitors of the Black Church not only with information about the artistic heritage but also with insights... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 21 / € 7,00
Engleza Rapida + Cd Audio von Andreea Panait
ISBN 6426092302046
Bücher; 352 Seiten; paperback
CURS DE INVATARE A LIMBII ENGLEZE CE CONTINE: - Lectii tematice succinte - Sinteze de gramatica - Vocabular amplu [mehr]
Preis: Lei 20 / € 6,90
Coins in archaeological context. Sutor (Optatiana) : the vicus and the baths complex von Cristian Gazdac, Vlad Lazarescu, Sorin Cocis
ISBN 9786060206019
Bücher; 111 S.; Broschiert
Mega publishing house
Preis: Lei 93 / € 31,00
The Szeklers: an illustrated history von Gusztav Mihaly Hermann
ISBN 378449
Bücher; 164 S.; Broschiert
Centrul Judetean Harghita
The Illustrated History of the Szeklers This paper was edited by the Harghita County Center for the Preservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture and... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 114 / € 34,90
Limba engleza. Caietul elevului L1 intensiv. Clasa a V-a von Vicki Anderson, Eoin Higgins, Cristina Rusu
ISBN 9786060762119
Bücher; 128 S.; Softcover/Paperback
Art Klett
Prezentul auxiliar a fost avizat de Ministerul Educatiei Nationale prin Ordinul nr. 3022 din 08. 01. 2018 si se regaseste la pozitia nr. 237 din anexa... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 45 / € 15,00
Landkarte Siebenbürgen M 1:550 000
Road Map Transylvania M 1:550 000
ISBN 9789633538548
Bücher; Landkarte, gefaltet; Landkarte
laminierte Komfortversion [mehr]
Preis: Lei 53 / € 17,90
American Fairy Tales and Stories. Povesti si povestiri americane Vol.1
ISBN 9789734740116
Bücher; 112 S.; Softcover/Paperback
Paralela 45
Cea mai mare colectie de literatura bilingva utila copiilor (si nu numai) care vor sa invete o limba straina prin lectura unor povesti, basme si povestiri... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 35 / € 11,90
The New Traffic Code for everyone von Marius Stanculescu
ISBN 9786066323000
Bücher; 140 S.; Softcover/Paperback
The book contains all the necessary theory for obtaining a driving permit in Romania (including firs aid, defensive driving, mechanical notions and ecological... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 50 / € 10,00
Salutari din Cisnadie von Dana Voina, Alexandru Constantin Chituta
Greetings from Cisnadie
ISBN 9786306520237
Bücher; 96 S.; gebundene Ausgabe, 27 x 24 cm
Editura Muzeului Brukenthal
Fotoalbum mit geschichtlichem Abriss, historischen Ansichtskarten und Aufnahmen über Heltau in rumänischer und englischer Sprache. [mehr]
Preis: Lei 89 / € 29,90
Langenscheidt Praktisches Wörterbuch Englisch
Englisch-Deutsch / Deutsch-Englisch mit Wörterbuch-App
ISBN 9783125144026
Bücher; 848 S.; perfect
Langenscheidt bei PONS Langenscheidt
Über 60.000 Stichwörter und Wendungen.Praktisch, übersichtlich, hochaktuell .Der relevante Wortschatz für Alltag, Reise und moderne Kommunikation.... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 85 / € 16,95
Primul meu dictionar german-englez-roman
ISBN 9789737147417
Bücher; 68 Seiten; Softcover/Paperback
Preis: Lei 30 / € 10,00
Basme romanesti. Romanian fairy tales. Contes de fees roumains. Vol. 1
ISBN 9789734740079
Bücher; 128 Seiten; Softcover/Paperback
Paralela 45
Cea mai mare colectie de literatura bilingva utila copiilor (si nu numai) care vor sa invete o limba straina prin lectura unor povesti, basme si povestiri... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 35 / € 11,90
Thomas Bernhard: 3 Days von Thomas Bernhard
ISBN 9780922233465
Bücher; 176 Seiten; hardcover
Blast Books
Over the course of three days in 1970, June 5, 6, and 7, simply sitting on a white bench in a Hamburg park, Thomas Bernhard delivered a powerful monologue... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 85 / € 16,99
Girls of the World: 250 Portraits of Awesome von Mihaela Noroc
ISBN 9781524880521
Bücher; 254 Seiten; paperback
Andrews McMeel Publishing
This collection of powerful photographs and moving stories showcases young women of all backgrounds, from a myriad of cultures, showing us that all girls... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 149 / € 29,95
Pontica LV Supplementum VIII von Vasilica Lungu, Alexandru Avram
L' Espace Pontique: Vers de Nouvelles Perceptions du Monde Ancien / PONTIC SPACE: TOWARDS NEW PERCEPTIONS OF THE ANCIENT WORLDr
ISBN 9786064907875
Bücher; 400 S.; Broschiert
Muzeul de istorie nat si arheologie Constanta
Hommages à LIVIA BUZOIANU à l'occasion de son 70e anniversaire Un volume d'anniversaire est une façon de remercier une personne pour ses efforts... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 62 / € 20,90
Socialist Modernism Book – Socialist Modernism in Romania and the Republic of Moldova von BACU
ISBN 5948492980170
Bücher; 194+1 S. Spread/ Romania and the Republic of Moldova – SOC MOD Map; hardcover, 26×28.5 cm
B.A.C.U. Publishing House
The photo album in the 2nd release includes landmarks of socialist modernist architecture in Romania and the Republic of Moldova – from 1955 to 1989/91.... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 550 / € 110,00
Socialist Modernism in Germany von BACU
ISBN 5948492980149
Bücher; 192 S.; hardcover, 26×28.5 cm
B.A.C.U. Publishing House
The photo album includes landmarks of socialist modernist architecture in Germany – from 1955 to 1990. B.A.C.U. Association explains socialist modernist... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 780 / € 157,00
Harta drumetie / Hiking Map Fagaras M 1:75.000 / M 1:35.000 (Zona alpina)
ISBN 5948490930665
Landkarten; 2 Faltkarten; Faltkarte
Schubert & Franzke
Doua harti distincte: o harta 1:75.000 a intregului masiv si o alta, 1:35.000, care reprezinta doar zona alpina! Trasee parcurse cu GPS. Cuprinde si Muntii... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 45 / € 15,00
Penguin Readers Level 7: White Teeth (ELT Graded Reader) von Zadie Smith
ISBN 9780241463376
Bücher; 128 Seiten; paperback
Preis: Lei 68 / € 13,00
The Tortilla Curtain: Ausgezeichnet mit dem Prix Medicis für ausländische Literatur 1997 von T. C. Boyle
ISBN 9781526608871
Bücher; 368 Seiten; paperback
Bloomsbury Publishing
Preis: Lei 68 / € 13,00
Luceafarul De Ziua Si Luceafarul De Noapte. The Morning Star And The Evening Star von Ispirescu Petre
ISBN 9789734713226
Bücher; 40 S.; geheftet
Paralela 45
Colectia bilingva de literatura pentru copii Bufnita cuprinde proze scurte ale celor mai mari scriitori din literatura romana si universala, regasite si... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 18 / € 6,00
A Transylvanian Puzzle von Adrian Papahagi
Reconstructing Medieval Culture from Manuscript Fragments
ISBN 5948422023045
Bücher; 107 S., 109 colour illustrations and plates; Broschiert
Cluj: Presa Universitara Clujeana
Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Library of the Romanian Academy, Cluj-Napoca, 8 February-8 April 2022 [mehr]
Preis: Lei 115 / € 38,50
Explore a unique place in Europe by motorbike
ISBN 9788090893016
Bücher; 107 S.; 21 x 16,5 cm, Spiralbuch
Klausenburg, Nucuta
Off-road and tarmac routes Maps and GPS tracks Suitable for 4×4 The deeper you go into the Carpathian mountains, the more real the old legends of the... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 64 / € 21,50
Beyond the New Romanian Cinema: von Andrei Gorzo, Veronica Lazar
Romanian Culture, History, and the Films of Radu Jude
ISBN 9786061219599
Bücher; 243 S.; Broschiert
Universitate Lucian Blaga
"A stellar representative of the New Romanian Cinema, Radu Jude also belongs to a select group of politically-minded East European filmmakers who have... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 59 / € 19,90
The Dacians in the Roman Empire von Sorin Nemeti
Provincial Constructions
ISBN 9786060200796
Bücher; 443 S.; gebundene Ausgabe
Preis: Lei 67 / € 23,50
Romanias rocky road from the Ceausescu dictatorship to fragile democracy von Prof. Dr. Dr. Kneifel Kneifel
Appendix: Reports of 31 former students of the Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca/Romania who live today in Romania and abroad. Translation: From German into American-English by DeepL
ISBN 9783969404683
Bücher; 225 S.; Broschiert
Engelsdorfer Verlag
Romania's communist system developed into the bloodiest system in Europe after World War II. Ceausescu ruled the country with state terror. As a result,... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 75 / € 14,80
The Big Book of English Expressions and Phrasal Verbs for ESL and English Learners; Phrasal Verbs, English Expressions, Idioms, Slang, Informal and ... Focus on English Grammar Big Book Series) von Thomas Celentano
ISBN 9798587777071
Bücher; 368 Seiten; paperback
Independently published
If you want to learn English, then you must learn English phrasal verbs, idioms and expressions. This book combines two of our best selling English grammar... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 75 / € 15,00
The Making of Mamaliga: Transimperial Recipes for a Romanian National Dish von Alex Drace-Francis
ISBN 9789633866245
Bücher; 226 Seiten; 15,2 x 1,2 x 22,9 cm, Taschenbuch
Central European University Press
Mamaliga, maize porridge or polenta, is a universally consumed dish in Romania and a prominent national symbol. But its unusual history has rarely been... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 135 / € 27,00
Making of Mamaliga: Transimperial Recipes for a Romanian National Dish von Alex Drace-Francis
ISBN 9789633865835
Bücher; 226 Seiten; 15,9 x 1,9 x 23,5 cm, Gebundene Ausgabe
Central European University Press
Mamaliga, maize porridge or polenta, is a universally consumed dish in Romania and a prominent national symbol. But its unusual history has rarely been... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 270 / € 55,00
Mein erstes Englisch Bildwörterbuch mit Audio-Download von Joachim Krause
Bildwörterbuch zum Erlernen einer Fremdsprache für Kinder ab 4 Jahren
ISBN 9783811235717
Bücher; 72 S.; gebundene Ausgabe
Kindern im Vor- und Grundschulalter fällt das Erlernen einer Fremdsprache besonders leicht.Mit diesem Bildwörterbuch können schon Kinder ab 4 Jahren... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 50 / € 9,95
The Danube Cycleway Volume 2: From Budapest to the Black Sea (Cicerone guidebooks) von Mike Wells
ISBN 9781852847234
Bücher; 288 Seiten; 11,9 x 1,5 x 17,5 cm, Taschenbuch
Cicerone Press Limited
Preis: Lei 129 / € 25,90
The Mountains of Romania: Trekking and walking in the Carpathian Mountains (Cicerone guidebooks) von Janneke Klop
ISBN 9781852849481
Bücher; 416 Seiten; 11,4 x 2,3 x 17,1 cm, Taschenbuch
Cicerone Press Limited
Guidebook to walks and multi-day treks in the Carpathian mountains of Romania. Includes routes in the Maramures and Bucovina regions, Piatra Craiului ridge,... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 144 / € 28,90
Jewish Timisoara - European Capital of Culture 2023 von Getta Neumann
more than a guide
ISBN 9783949583070
Bücher; 269 S.; Broschiert
Schiller Verlag
The guidebook Jewish Timisoara tells the story of the local Jewish community over the centuries. It is the result of the constant research and lifelong... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 79 / € 22,90
The little economist von Ana Zambori
ISBN 9786067075076
Bücher; 126 S.; Broschiert
Financial knowledge for children and teenager. [mehr]
Preis: Lei 49 / € 12,37
The Tweed: 25 Walks from Source to Sea (Pocket Mountains) by K R Fergus (2013-06-25)
ISBN 377991
Bücher; paperback
Preis: Lei 4 / € 0,00
A Stake in Transylvania von Arabella McIntyre-Brown
Foreword by Sir Ranulph Fiennes
ISBN 9781916218208
Bücher; 325 S.; Broschiert
Garlic Press
If you're Romanian and if you love your country, or if you've forgotten how amazing it really is; if you want to be reminded of how life is in the... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 60 / € 12,00
The Treasure Book of Sighisoara von Balint Zagoni, Andrea Janosi
ISBN 9786069650004
Bücher; 48 S.; gebundene Ausgabe
Te invitam la o calatorie in timp, din preistorie pana in zilele noastre, prin care ai posibilitatea sa descoperi cele mai de seama evenimente si cei mai... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 54 / € 13,50
The Intelligence of Matter
The Intelligence of Matter von Dumitru Constantin Dulcan
40th Anniversary Edition
ISBN 9786067976571
Bücher; 396 S.; 13x20 , gebundene Ausgabe
Scoala Ardeleana
Traducere: Vasile Andreica 40th Anniversary Edition - With an accompanying text by Neale Donald Walsch It contains Reviews and opinions on The Intelligence... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 109 / € 36,50
HE LOVES DISCIPLINE von Casian Flavius Domnariu
Reading Transformed Me Discipline Rewarded Me
ISBN 9789945808872
Bücher; 112 Seiten; 14,0 x 0,7 x 21,6 cm, Taschenbuch
Amado Santana
He Loves Discipline is a book that shares my personal development process with you. I hope that the information I offer will give you an idea on how to... [mehr]
Preis: € 9,00
Hygiene Management in Kitchen and Service von Frank Höchsmann
HACCP made easy
ISBN 9783751917155
Bücher; 72 S.; Broschiert
BoD - Books on Demand
Hygiene management in kitchen and service is the proper reference book for specialists and managers in hotels and restaurants, but also for catering facilities,... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 75 / € 14,99
Flashback 3 - Societate multilateral dezvoltata falimentara von Florin Andreescu
Clisee voalate din Epoca de Aur si anii tranzitiei 1975-1995
ISBN 9786060510000
Bücher; 160 S.; gebundene Ausgabe, 27x21 cm
Ad Libri
Cel de-al treilea volum din colectia Flashback, Societate multilateral dezvoltata falimentara, continua seria documentara dedicata de Florin Andreescu... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 55 / € 18,50
Marchy: Custom and Legend von Despina Leonhard, Enache Ana
Das Märzchen: Brauch und Legende
ISBN 9783946451181
Bücher; 60 S.; Paperback
Sturnus Verlag
zweisprachige Ausgabe deutsch/englisch Vor langer Zeit, da fühlte sich die Sonne sehr einsam und beobachtete neidisch die Fröhlichkeit der Menschen... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 75 / € 14,99
Breakfast at Tiffanys von Truman Capote, Herbert Geisen
Englischer Text mit deutschen Worterklärungen. Niveau C1 (GER)
ISBN 9783150141298
Bücher; 151 S.
Reclam, Philipp
Englische Literatur in Reclams Roter Reihe: das ist der englische Originaltext - mit Worterklärungen am Fuß jeder Seite, Nachwort und Literaturhinweisen.... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 32 / € 6,40
The Deportation Camp. Pages of the 1951-1956 Baragan Camp von Rafael Mirciov
ISBN 9789735219710
Bücher; 272 S.; Broschiert
We have thought it necessary to publish an English edition of this book so that more people may understand the dramatic impact that the 1951-1956 deportations... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 53 / € 17,90
What If I Had Never Tried It von Valentino Rossi
ISBN 9780099486961
Bücher; 352 Seiten; 11,0 x 2,3 x 17,8 cm, Taschenbuch
Preis: Lei 89 / € 8,99
Dracula von Bram Stoker
ISBN 9781784871611
Bücher; 432 Seiten; 11,0 x 2,6 x 17,8 cm, Taschenbuch
Vintage Classics
Preis: Lei 25 / € 5,00
Kafka on the Shore von Haruki Murakami
ISBN 9780099458326
Bücher; 512 Seiten; 12,9 x 3,0 x 19,8 cm, Taschenbuch
Preis: Lei 59 / € 12,51
Billionaire Boy von Walliams David
ISBN 9780007371082
Bücher; 240 S.; Broschiert
Harper Collins
A hilarious, touching and extraordinary new fable from the author of The Boy in the Dress and Mr Stink. Joe has a lot of reasons to be happy. About a billion... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 55 / € 10,40
A Short Illustrated History of Romanians von Ioan-Aurel Pop
ISBN 9786063321245
Bücher; 240 S.; Hardcover , 21.5 x 20.5 cm
Ioan-Aurel Pop is professor and Rector of Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, the author and co-author of over fifty books, treatises and textbooks... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 80 / € 26,90
Orchids of Romania von Nora De Angelli, Dan Anghelescu
ISBN 745760929863
Bücher; 300 S.; gebundene Ausgabe
Orchids of Romania is a comprehensive monograph, in which art photography and science are harmoniously blended, covering 71 confirmed species, together... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 316 / € 105,50
Engleza rapida - curs practic cu CD von Emilia Neculai
ISBN 9786065114470
Bücher; 320 S.; 130 x 200 mm
Steaua Nordului
Acest curs reprezinta o cale accesibila si sigura de studiu, adresandu-se celor care doresc sa invete usor si intr-un timp relativ scurt sa comunice in... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 25 / € 6,37
The Secret Garden von Frances Hodgson Burnett
ISBN 9780007351060
Bücher; 270 S; Softcover/Paperback
HarperCollins is proud to present its range of best-loved, essential classics. 'Where, you tend a rose, my lad, A thistle cannot grow.' Orphaned and... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 29 / € 5,00
Engleza rapida in imagini von Emilia Neculai
ISBN 9786065114104
Bücher; 168 S.; 160 x 230 mm
Steuaua Nordului
Acest curs se adreseaza copiilor de varsta prescolara dar si proaspetilor scolari. Cartea de fata contine lectii care descriu diferite situatii in care... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 19 / € 6,50
Gramatica Limbii Engleze - Manual si culegere de exercitii von Florin Musat
ISBN 9786069343821
Bücher; 270 S.; 140 x 200 mm
Lizuka Educativ
Gramatica limbii engleze are ca obiectiv explicarea notiunilor de baza ale gramaticii limbii engleze la un nivel destinat incepatorilor si nu numai, intr-o... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 25 / € 6,37
Beyond the forest - A history of Transylvania von Jan de Maere
Viewed in its European setting
ISBN 9786066874076
Bücher; 393 S.; gebundene Ausgabe
Jassy, Tehnopress
reich bebildertes Album über Siebenbürgen und seine Geschichte in englischer Sprache Art historian and holder of a Ph.D in neuroscience and connoisseurship... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 219 / € 49,00
Kirchenburgen und mittelalterliche Kirchen in Siebenbürgen - Landkarte von Stefan (Hg.) Bichler, Stefan Cosoroaba
The medieval and fortified churches of the transylvanian saxons - map
ISBN 376935
Bücher; 2; Landkarte, gefaltet
ev. Landeskirche A.B. Rumänien/Mapexpert
Maßstab 1:300 000 Rückseite: touristische... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 19 / € 6,50
Introduction to Mathematics for Life Scientists von Edward Batschelet
ISBN 9783540096481
Bücher; 646 S.; Broschiert
Springer Berlin
From the reviews: "...Here we have a book which we can wholeheartedly suggest. The mathematics is sound and pared to essentials; the examples are an impressive,... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 261 / € 35,00
Archaeological explorations of magic and witchcraft in Iron Age Transylvania von Aurel Rustoiu
ISBN 9786060200277
Bücher; 301 S.
Editura Mega
CONTENTS FOREWORD Acknowledgements 1. INTRODUCTION 1. 1. Archaeology of magic and witchcraft 1. 2. Magic and witchcraft, sorcerers and witches: short terminological... [mehr]
Preis: Lei 84 / € 28,00
In Company 3.0 Intermediate Level Student's Book Pack von Mark Powell
ISBN 9780230455238
Bücher; 160 Seiten; 21,2 x 0,9 x 29,9 cm, Taschenbuch
Macmillan Education
Preis: Lei 130 / € 29,00
Artikel pro Seite: 20 40 80 |