Great Expectations von Charles Dickens
Preis pro Stück:
Lei 30 / € 8,50
Inkl. Mwst.: 5% (Lei) / 7% (EUR)
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auf Lager
Kategorie: Bücher
Seiten / Format: 480 S.
Erscheinungsjahr: 2010
Verlag: Harper Collins
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN: 9780007350872
Living with his sister and her husband, Pip is an orphan without any expectations. It is only when he begins to visit a rich old woman, Miss Havisham and her adopted niece that he begins to hope for something better. When it is revealed that Pip has inherited a large sum of money from a mysterious benefactor on the condition that he moves to London to become a gentleman, Pip's adventure really begins. Epic, illuminating and memorable, Dickens mysterious tale of Pip's quest to find the truth about himself is one of his most enduring and popular novels to date.