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Stephen the Great an His Reign

Stephen the Great an His Reign von Eugen Denize

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Kategorie: Bücher
Seiten / Format: 234 p.; Paperback
Erscheinungsjahr: 2004
Verlag: The Romanian Cultural Intitute Publishing House
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN: 5948366000300

"...An update and, wherever necessary, a reinterpretation of Stephen the Great's reign has long been needed in Romanian historiography... Both analysis and synthesis are present in this work. It is a synthesis because it is based on all the existing studies, whether older or more recent, of our historians on this topic. It is an analysis because, next to the classic interpretations of the subject, it provides a few new conclusions and perspectives, based on a thorough interpretation of all available sources. A remark is in order here. If, until now, the Ottoman sources on Stephen the Great's reign have been only little and partially used, although many of them are translated into Romanian, the present work makes wide use of them; the surprises they have offered are considerable." (Eugen Denize)