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The House of Ullstein von Hermann Ullstein
A Memoir

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Kategorie: Bücher
Seiten / Format: 336 S
Erscheinungsjahr: 2016
Verlag: Ullstein HC
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN: 9783550081699
Auflage / Bände: Auflage

»Their motto was political liberalism and modern culture«, Arthur Koestler wrote of the Ullstein family. Enthralling and full of the atmosphere of the period, Hermann Ullstein brings the early years of the Ullstein publishing empire to life. He portrays its impressive rise to become Europe's largest publisher, as well as the dramatic upheavals in Germany that led to the company's expropriation by the Nazis.

"Their motto was political liberalism and modern culture", Arthur Koestler wrote of the Ullstein family. Enthralling and full of the atmosphere of the period, Hermann Ullstein brings the early years of the Ullstein publishing empire to life. He portrays its impressive rise to become Europe's largest publisher, as well as the dramatic upheavals in Germany that led to the company's expropriation by the Nazis.1DE

Hermann Ullstein, geboren 1875, war der jüngster Sohn von Verlagsgründer Leopold Ullstein. 1902 trat er in das Familienunternehmen ein. Er widmete sich vor allem der modernen Werbung und verfasste das BuchWirb und werde! Ein Lehrbuch der Reklame- sein Motto:Wer nicht langweilig sein will, muss originell sein.1939 musste er in die USA emigrieren und ließ sich als Privatmann in New York nieder, wo er 1943 starb.

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