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Divine Masters, Ancient Wisdom von Kyle Gray
Activations to Connect with Universal Spiritual Guides

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Kategorie: Bücher
Seiten / Format: 288 S
Erscheinungsjahr: 2021
Verlag: Hay HouseHay House UK
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN: 9781788175159

The Ascended Masters are enlightened souls who walked the Earth before us and now offer their wisdom and light to the world. Anyone can connect and work with the Ascended Masters. This book will help you open to their divine intelligence and receive their support and guidance as your sacred journey unfolds.

RAISE YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS WITH THE HELP OF 33 ASCENDED ENLIGHTENED MASTERS FROM WORLD-RENOWNED ANGEL EXPERT AND BEST-SELLING AUTHOR OFRAISE YOUR VIBRATION,KYLE GRAY<br><br><br>A FRESH AND INSPIRATIONAL BOOK FULL OF SPIRITUAL TOOLS, AFFIRMATIONS, SACRED GEOMETRY, AND HEALING MEDITATIONS TO HELP YOU FEEL MORE PEACE AND JOY<br><br>A new and fresh guide to the Ascended Masters and how to work with them for greater peace and connection.<br><br>Discover new tools and wisdom to connect with the enlightened Ascended Masters, and receive their guidance, healing, protection, and support on your spiritual path.<br><br>"I adore Kyle Gray. He helps you to reconnect with all that is wanting to rise up within you, be available to the benevolent support that already surrounds you, and release what is wanting to fall away with grace and ease. Who doesn't want some of that?!"<br>- Rebecca Campbell, author ofLight Is the New BlackandRise Sister Rise<br><br>Best-selling author Kyle Gray offers a close look at the Ascended Masters and explains how they can bring healing to the Earth, the cosmos, and your life.<br><br>The Ascended Masters are enlightened souls who once walked the Earth (or other planets) and continue to offer their emotional intelligence and spiritual teachings to the world.<br><br>You may already know some of them-Mary Magdalene, Buddha and Jesus-but did you know there are many more, and that they are here to support you on your spiritual path?<br><br>In this healing spiritual book, you will discover:<br><br>· Many Ascended Masters, from Quan Yin to Saint German and Gaia to the Divine Director<br>· A short history of the Masters and how they ascended for the greater good of humanity<br>· How to call upon the Masters for spiritual protection, to remove blockages, and to open up to powerful spiritual connections<br>· What the Council of Light and Etheric Retreats are, and how you can access their wisdom for healing, guidance, and connection<br><br>Book Sections Include:<br><br>PART I: INTRODUCING THE MASTERS<br>· Who Are the Masters?<br>· The History of the Masters<br>· Ascension Explained<br>· The High Council and Etheric Retreats<br><br>PART II: MAKING THE CONNECTION<br>· The Divine Matrix<br>· Opening Up<br>· Spiritual Alignment<br><br>PART III: WORKING WITH THE MASTERS<br>· Awaken the Master Within<br><br>"There are many incredible keepers of ancient wisdom out there and it's my prayer that the 33 I have chosen to include here will support your journey and enrich your life.<br><br>I pray that with this book I have opened doorways to experiences of love and connection, and that I have done so in a way that honors and respects the Divine Masters.<br><br>I am grateful for all that I have learned along the way and for all of the personal experiences that have unfolded while I have been writing this book. May it support the activation of the ancient wisdom that resides within you.<br><br>Love,<br>Kyle Gray<br><br>Divine Masters, Ancient Wisdomincludes many powerful exercises and spiritual tools to help you increase your awareness and raise your consciousness.<br><br>"Kyle Gray changes lives!"-The Sun

1GBKyle Grayexperienced spiritual encounters from an early age. When he was just four years old, his grandmother's soul visited him from beyond the grave. Growing up, Kyle always had an ability to hear, feel and see what goes beyond the natural senses, which, in his teens, led him to discovering the power and love of angels. Now, Kyle is one of the most hip and sought-after experts in his field. With his unique ability to stay grounded and keep it real, he re-introduces the idea of angels in a modern and accessible way. Kyle's talks in the UK and around Europe sell out within days, and his private sessions have a two-year waiting list. He is the author of four

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