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Mrs March von Virginia Feito

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Kategorie: Bücher
Erscheinungsjahr: 2021
Verlag: HarperCollins UKFourth Estate
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN: 9780008421724

'I readMrs Marchin one sitting and was so captured by it... As a character, [Mrs March] is fascinating, complex, and deeply human'Elisabeth Moss

'Feito nods deftly to her forebears - there are shades of Hitchcock and Highsmith here ... while the opening chapter puts one in mind of Woolf'sMrs Dalloway...Nastily good fun'Claire Allfree,Metro

'Virginia Feito's noirish debut novel left me rapt, gleefully ambivalent about her eponymous protagonist: did I like her? Did I find her funny? Did I want to hug her? Was I bit a scared of her? Did I relate to her? To all of the above: yes ... an elegant, claustrophobic psychological thriller that feels incredibly original'Evening Standard

'What a rancid little book, I absolutely loved it'Alice Slater

'The atmosphere of queasy foreboding is compelling, as is the portrayal of a flawed, troubled and complex individual trying to keep it together while coming apart at the seams'Economist

'A brilliantly tense psychological study from a writer who keeps pace with the grandees she invokes - Du Maurier, for one... Feito has done that most horrible, wonderful and truly novelistic of things: she has seen right throughMrs Marchand into the shameful, petty, maggoty secrets that everybody carries'Guardian

'Adelicious, disorienting study of suspicion, societal pressure and shifting identities, brilliantly rendered. I swallowed this tale down as greedily as if it were Mrs. March's beloved olive bread'Rachel Edwards, author ofDarling

'Gloriously grotesque: tormented by the desire for glossy magazine perfection; cruelly judgemental; frantic to believe the world revolves around her. And yet Feito makes her guilt-inducingly relatable...The gothic awfulness of her predicament reminds you of Ottessa Moshfegh's grand guignol creations and lurid descriptive talents; Shirley Jackson's claustrophobic horror'The Times

The most compulsive debut gothic thriller of 2021


Shirley Jackson meets Ottessa Moshfegh meetsMy Sister the Serial Killerin a brilliantly unsettling and darkly funny debut novel full of suspense and paranoia


Shirley Jackson meets Ottessa Moshfegh meetsMy Sister the Serial Killerin a brilliantly unsettling and darkly funny debut novel full of suspense and paranoia

George March's latest novel is a smash hit. None could be prouder than Mrs. March, his dutiful wife, who revels in his accolades and relishes the lifestyle and status his success brings.

A creature of routine and decorum, Mrs. March lives an exquisitely controlled existence on the Upper East Side. Every morning begins the same way, with a visit to her favourite patisserie to buy a loaf of<br>olive bread, but her latest trip proves to be her last when she suffers an indignity from which she may never recover: an assumption by the shopkeeper that the protagonist in George March's new book -<br>a pathetic sex worker, more a figure of derision than desire - is based on Mrs. March.

One casual remark robs Mrs. March not only of her beloved olive bread but of the belief that she knew everything about her husband - and herself - sending her on an increasingly paranoid journey, one<br>that starts within the pages of a book but may very well uncover both a killer and the long-buried secrets of Mrs. March's past.

A razor-sharp exploration of the fragility of identity and the smothering weight of expectations,Mrs. Marchheralds the arrival of a wicked and wonderful new voice.


Virginia Feito was raised in Madrid and Paris, and studied English and drama at Queen Mary University of London. She worked as a copywriter until she quit to write her debut novel. She lives in Madrid.

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