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Star Wars: Light of the Jedi (The High Republic) von Charles Soule

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Kategorie: Bücher
Seiten / Format: 432 S
Erscheinungsjahr: 2021
Verlag: Penguin Random HouseRandom House Worlds
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN: 9780593157732

Sharply written and intensely enjoyable./Film<br><br>The action is breathtaking, and the power on display is remarkable. Soule fulfils his promise to redefine the Force.Screen Rant CHAPTER ONE<br><br>HYPERSPACE. THE LEGACY RUN.<br><br>3 hours to impact.<br><br>All is well.<br><br>Captain Hedda Casset reviewed the readouts and displays built into her command chair for the second time. She always went over them at least twice. She had more than four decades of flying behind her, and figured the double check was a large part of the reason she d survived all that time. The second look confirmed everything she d seen in the first.<br><br>All is well, she said, out loud this time, announcing it to her bridge crew. Time for my rounds. Lieutenant Bowman, you have the bridge.<br><br>Acknowledged, Captain, her first officer replied, standing from his own seat in preparation to occupy hers until she returned from her evening constitutional.<br><br>Not every long-haul freighter captain ran their ship like a military vessel. Hedda had seen starships with stained floors and leaking pipes and cracks in their cockpit viewports, lapses that speared her to her very soul. But Hedda Casset began her career as a fighter pilot with the Malastare Sullust Joint Task Force, keeping order in their little sector on the border of the Mid Rim. She d started out flying an Incom Z-24, the single-seat fighter everyone just called a Buzzbug. Mostly security missions, hunting down pirates and the like. Eventually, though, she rose to command a heavy cruiser, one of the largest vessels in the fleet. A good career, doing good work.<br><br>She d left Mallust JTF with distinction and moved on to a job captaining merchant vessels for the Byrne Guild her version of a relaxed retirement. But thirty-plus years in the military meant order and discipline weren t just in her blood they were her blood. So every ship she flew now was run like it was about to fight a decisive battle against a Hutt armada, even if it was just carrying a load of ogrut hides from world A to world B. This ship, the Legacy Run, was no exception.<br><br>Hedda stood, accepting and returning Lieutenant Jary Bowman s snapped salute. She stretched, feeling the bones of her spine crackle and crunch. Too many years on patrol in tiny cockpits, too many high-g maneuvers sometimes in combat, sometimes just because it made her feel alive.<br><br>The real problem, though, she thought, tucking a stray strand of gray hair behind one ear, is too many years.<br><br>She left the bridge, departing the precise machine of her command deck and walking along a compact corridor into the larger, more chaotic world of the Legacy Run. The ship was a Kaniff Yards Class A modular freight transport, more than twice as old as Hedda herself. That put the craft a bit past her ideal operational life, but well within safe parameters if she was well maintained and regularly serviced which she was. Her captain saw to that.<br><br>The Run was a mixed-use ship, rated for both cargo and passengers hence modular in its designation. Most of the vessel s structure was taken up by a single gigantic compartment, shaped like a long, triangular prism, with engineering aft, the bridge fore, and the rest of the space allotted for cargo. Hollow boom arms protruded from the central spine at regular intervals, to which additional smaller modules could be attached. The ship could hold up to 144 of these, each customizable, to handle every kind of cargo the galaxy had to offer.<br><br>Hedda liked that the ship could haul just about anything. It meant you never knew what you were going to get, what weird challenges you might face from one job to the next. She had flown the ship once when half the cargo space in the primary compartment was reconfigured into a huge water tank, to carry a gigantic saberfish from the storm seas on Tibrin to the private aquarium of a countess on Abregado-rae. Hedda and her crew had gotten the beast there safely not an easy gig. Even harder, thoug#1NEW YORK TIMESBESTSELLER Long before the First Order, before the Empire, before evenThe Phantom Menace . . . Jedi lit the way for the galaxy in The High Republic<br><br>It is a golden age. Intrepid hyperspace scouts expand the reach of the Republic to the furthest stars, worlds flourish under the benevolent leadership of the Senate, and peace reigns, enforced by the wisdom and strength of the renowned order of Force users known as the Jedi. With the Jedi at the height of their power, the free citizens of the galaxy are confident in their ability to weather any storm But the even brightest light can cast a shadow, and some storms defy any preparation.<br><br>When a shocking catastrophe in hyperspace tears a ship to pieces, the flurry of shrapnel emerging from the disaster threatens an entire system. No sooner does the call for help go out than the Jedi race to the scene. The scope of the emergence, however, is enough to push even Jedi to their limit. As the sky breaks open and destruction rains down upon the peaceful alliance they helped to build, the Jedi must trust in the Force to see them through a day in which a single mistake could cost billions of lives.<br><br>Even as the Jedi battle valiantly against calamity, something truly deadly grows beyond the boundary of the Republic. The hyperspace disaster is far more sinister than the Jedi could ever suspect. A threat hides in the darkness, far from the light of the age, and harbors a secret that could strike fear into even a Jedi s heart.3USCharles Soule is a Brooklyn, New York-based novelist, comic book writer, musician, and attorney. His novels include The Oracle Year and Anyone: A Novel. While he has worked for DC and other publishers, he is best known for writing DaredevilShe-HulkDeath of Wolverine, and variousStar Warscomics from Marvel Comics (Darth VaderPoe DameronLando and more), and his creator-owned series Curse Words (with Ryan Browne) and Letter 44 (with Alberto Jimenez Alburquerque).

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