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How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way

How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way von Stan Lee, John Buscema

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Kategorie: Bücher
Seiten / Format: 192 S
Erscheinungsjahr: 1984
Verlag: Fireside
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN: 9780671530778

CONTENTS<br /><br />Preface<br /><br />One The Tools -- and the Talk -- of the Trade!<br /><br />Two The Secrets of -- Form! Making an Object Look Real<br /><br />Three The Power of -- Perspective!<br /><br />Four Let's Study -- The Figure!<br /><br />Five Let's Draw the Figure!<br /><br />Six The Name of the Game is -- Action!<br /><br />Seven Foreshortening! The Knack of Drawing the Figure in Perspective!<br /><br />Eight Drawing the Human Head!<br /><br />Nine Composition!<br /><br />Ten Draw Your Own Comicbook Page!<br /><br />Eleven The Comicbook Cover!<br /><br />Twelve The Art of Inking!<br /><br />Bibliography<br /><br />AcknowledgmentsChapter 1<br /><br />THE TOOLS-<br /><br />AND THE TALK- OF THE TRADE!<br /><br />Since very few of us draw with just our fingernails, let's start off with what you'll need. Then we're got to make sure we're all speaking the same language. This part's the easiest.<br /><br />Here we go! On these two pages you'll find just about everything you'll need to get you started. One of the nice things about being a comicbook artist is the fact that your equipment is no big deal. Let's just give the various items a fast once-over...<br /><br />Pencil. Some artists prefer a soft lead, some like the finer hard lead. It's up to you.<br /><br />Pen. A simple drawing pen with a thin point, for inking and bordering.<br /><br />Brush. Also for inking. A sable hair 3 is your best bet.<br /><br />Erasers. One art gum and one smooth kneaded eraser -- which is cleaner to use.<br /><br />India ink. Any good brand of black india ink is okay.<br /><br />White opaquing paint. Invaluable for covering errors in inking.<br /><br />A glass Jar. This holds the water for cleaning your brushes.<br /><br />Pushpins. Handy for keeping your illustration paper from slipping off the drawing board.<br /><br />Triangle. A must for drawing right angles and working in perspective.<br /><br />T square. Invaluable for drawing borders and keeping lines parallel.<br /><br />Ruler. For everyone who says"1 can't draw a straight line without a ruler."Now you've no excuse!<br /><br />Illustration paper. We use 2-ply Bristol board, large enough to accommodate artwork 10"x 15".<br /><br />Drawing board. This can be a drawing table or merely a flat board which you hold on your lap. Either way, you always need some such thing upon which to rest your sheet of illustration paper.<br /><br />Rag. This plain ol'hunk of any kind of cloth is used to wipe your pen points, brushes, and whatever. The sloppier you are, the more you'll need it.<br /><br />Ink compass. Well, how else are you gonna draw circles? While you're at it, you might as well get a pencil compass, too-even though Johnny forgot to draw one for you.<br /><br />Of course, there are some things we omitted, like a chair to sit on and a light so that you can see what you're doing in case you work in the dark. Also, it's a good idea to have a room to work in-otherwise your pages can get all messy in the rain. But we figured you'd know all this.<br /><br />And now, onward!<br /><br />Just to make sure we all use the same language and there's no misunderstanding when we refer to things, let's review the various names for many of the elements that make up a typical comicbook page.<br /><br />A. The first page of a story, with a large introductory illustration, is called the splash page.<br /><br />B: Letters drawn in outline, with space for color to be added, are called open letters.<br /><br />C: Copy which relates to a title is called a blurb.<br /><br />D: The name of the story is, of course, the title.<br /><br />E: An outline around lettering done in this jagged shape is called a splash balloon.<br /><br />F: A single illustration on a page is called a panel.<br /><br />G: The space between panels is called the gutter.<br /><br />H: You won't be surprised to know that this"ZAT"is a sound effect.<br /><br />I: Copy which represents what a character is thinking is a thought balloon.<br /><br />J: The little connecting circles on thought balloons are called bubbles. (We'd feel silly calling them"squares"!)<br /><br />K: The regular speech indicators are called dialogue balloons.<br /><br />L: The connecting"arrows"on dialogue balloons, showing who is speaking, are called pointers.<br /><br />M: The words in balloons which are lettered heavier than the other words are referred to as bold words, or bold lettering.<br /><br />N: This is my favoWritten by the iconic Stan Lee,How to Draw Comics the Marvel Wayis a must-have book for Marvel fans and anyone looking to draw their first comic strip.<br><br>Stan Lee, the Mighty Man from Marvel, and John Buscema, active and adventuresome artist behind the Silver Surfer, Conan the Barbarian, the Mighty Thor and Spider-Man, have collaborated on this comics compendium: an encyclopedia of information for creating your own superhero comic strips. Using artwork from Marvel comics as primary examples, Buscema graphically illustrates the hitherto mysterious methods of comic art. Stan Lee's pithy prose gives able assistance and advice to the apprentice artist. Bursting with Buscema's magnificent illustrations and Lee's laudable word-magic,How to Draw Comics the Marvel Waybelongs in the library of everyone who has ever wanted to illustrate his or her own comic strip.4USStan Lee gilt als Ikone der Comicwelt. Er konzipierte mehr Multimilliarden- Franchisethemen als irgendein anderer Comicautor, undüber zwei Milliarden Comics, die auf seinen Ideen beruhen, wurden in über 25 Sprachen und 75 Ländern verkauft. Derzeit ist Stan Lee Ehrenvorsitzender von Marvel Comics, sowie Vorsitzender und Chief Creative Officer von POW! Entertainment.Stan Lee (1922-2018) began his long career with wartime Timely Comics, but"the Man"made comic book history withFantastic Four #1, harbinger of a bold new perspective in comic book writing that endures to this day. With some of the industry's greatest artists, he introduced hero after hero inThe Incredible Hulk,TheAmazing Spider-Man,The UncannyX-Men, and more, forming a shared universe for rival publishers to measure themselves against. After a lifetime's worth of writing and editing, Lee was involved in movies and television via his company POW! Entertainment. He was Marvel's chairman emeritus and best-known public representative.

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